Technical specs of 50.079.5 MHz WA4FC/B station

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The beacon consists of the following hardware:

Yaesu FT-690R (2 watt output) – operating 50.079.5 mhz
Picokeyer (imbedded inside of radio)
M2 6 meter HO loop antenna at 25 feet
RG-213 feedline (apx 30 feet run)

The beacon is located at:
N 37 10.95 x W 77 30.18

The beacon is operational 24 hours a day. The message sent is VVV de WA4FC/B WA4FC/B WA4FC/B FM17 FM17. This is sent at 12wpm over a 46 second time period, followed by a 20 second pause to allow for reception of other beacons that may possibly be on the frequency.

The WA4FC 6 meter beacon officially became operational on July 1, 2008.

We had thought for several years about putting beacons on the air to help with the study of propagation, and things just started falling into place. Those responsible for the project include W4GNE, N4NI and KD4BPZ. More pictures can be found in the beacon photo gallery.

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