Cool stuff for the iphone

Brad, Doug and maybe some other folks too – see what you are missing?


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4 Responses to Cool stuff for the iphone

  1. AI4FO says:

    Ok, ok, so let me get this straight: I pay a cell provider like $100/month or more (an amount I could use to pay a loan to purchase an appreciating asset like a lot or put some money in my retirement plan so I can chillax one day, or a vehicle even) all so I can create custom vibrate ringtones and walk around with my face in my phone and almost ram stuff like telephone poles, or get in an accident because I just -had- to reply to a text?!

    Um, no thank you…

  2. Neil says:

    Do you have a house phone? Why, so you can tip over a frying pan full of grease, catch your house on fire, and possibly your neighbor’s house while answering the phone, just so you could talk to the person on the the other end? All the while paying $40 a month or more.

    • AI4FO says:

      Haha! Awesome! I do like cooking with grease……it’s awful for me but makes me happy. I had to comment because the whole smartphone thing has screwed people up on a grand scale. They ram each other because they can’t put the phone down while driving, and when people get together, instead of associating, they pull their phones out, compare them, then talk to other people who aren’t present. All while paying a cell phone company enough money to fund a retirement account or purchase real estate or something more significant. Plus, most of the owners of these phone will then say ‘I’m so broke man’ – but seem to be able to pay a crap-ton of money monthly for the iPhone 5 and the $140/month 57 year contract. STUPID. That’s my point. I’m sure you and Eric don’t fit into this category, but I’m betting too many in this country do, and I had to reply to Jay saying that Doug and I were missing something (not)!

  3. Jay says:

    Well Doug isn’t missing out any longer, he has one now.

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