Feld Hell Nets

I managed to check into the Feld Hell Net on 40 meters yesterday (had massive QSB). Thought I would share the net details in case you are interested in this mode. I mess with it from time to time and it’s fun. Here are the details on the Hell mode nets operated by the Feld Hell Club. The NCS emailed me the details (below)

GE, Jay.

TNX for checking into the Feld Hell Club’s 40 meter net this evening.
Conditions were not all that good but your signal into Lansing, MI
was 569 initially. When I called back to you, I could no longer print
you. Good ol’ propagation, huh?

The Feld Hell Club is nearly 875 members who enjoy using Feld Hell
and its derivatives, PSKHELL, FM105 or FM245, or 80HELL. There are a
couple more sub-modes but I’ve not seen many operate with them. Our group
is an international “club” and has a web site: www.feldhellclub.org.
We have monthly sprints and at least 2 contests annually called the
Spring/Fall Flings. We also have a group on Yahoo.com. The address is
groups.yahoo.com/group/feldhellclub. This is simply a forum where most
of us yak about this and that. We discuss strange phenomenae which
occur on the bands; a recent discussion was about delayed long path echos.
Please feel free to check out both web sites and if so inclinded,
please join in. We are adding about 10 members a month.

We have several nets which meet pretty much weekly. 10 meter net
meets Monday afternoon about 1800 zulu. 80 meter net meets that evening /
Tuesday morning about 0300 zulu. 40 meter net usually meets 0200 zulu
Wednesday mornings but I held it this evening due to committments
yesterday. The 30 meter net meets Monday morning at 0100 zulu.

The frequencies: 28.074 MHz, 3.586 MHz, 7.074 MHz +/- 2 KHz for qrm,
10.137 MHz respectively.

More info can be seen on the groups.yahoo.com/group/feldhellclub

You and I last worked on 30 meters in August this year using psk31.
Good to see you again, my friend.

An excellent Thanksgiving holiday to you, Jay, and I hope we’ll be
seeing you on the bands and on the computer screen as well.

Be safe.

– Louis

Louis E. Wulfekuhler, W8LEW FH#707
FHC Assistant Net Manager
30 meter FH NCS — Mondays 0100 zulu @ 10.137 MHz
10 meter beacon — 28.2637 MHz 5 watts into Inverted V G5RV @ 35 ft

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